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Installing dependencies πŸ¦ΎπŸ€–


This guide assumes no prior knowledge and aims to help new Koha testers and developers get started using Koha Testing Docker with Windows Subsytem for Linux (WSL2) and VSCode.

Don't forget to refer to the official Koha Testing Docker README too.

Required software ​

  • πŸͺŸ Windows 11
  • 🐧 WSL2
  • πŸ’» Terminal
  • 🐳 Docker Desktop
  • πŸ†š VSCode

Install WSL2 Debian ​

To get started we will use Powershell that comes with Windows to install WSL. Enter the following commands at the powershell prompt that looks like this:

PS C:\Users\your_username>

wsl --install -d Debian

πŸ”§ TIP

The terminal is an essential tool. Get used to entering commands and take note of the different parts that make up this command. command --flags argument

It's important to get comfortable with the command line interface because through the course of this guide you may need to open multiple shells or kind of like in Inception open up shells inside of shells. πŸ°πŸ•³οΈ

wsl is the command, indicating the program you want to run.

--install and -d are options also known as flags.

  • 🚩 Flags that starts with -- indicate a single option specified by a multicharacter string.
  • 🚩 Flags that start with - can be followed by multiple options specified by single characters.
  • 🚩 Flags are basically on off switches that tell the program how to run.

Debian is an argument following the flags. Arguments tell the program what parameters to use when it runs.

Commands can have multiple flags and arguments or none at all. Sometimes there might be two commands before any flags or arguments.

Check out this excellent Command Line Bootcamp by Eric Phetteplace.

Set the default WSL version to 2 ​

wsl -v 2

You should see some output like this:

WSL version:
Kernel version:
WSLg version: 1.0.60
MSRDC version: 1.2.5105
Direct3D version: 1.611.1-81528511
DXCore version:
Windows version: 10.0.22631.3593

Set the default WSL distro ​

wsl -s Debian

Powershell should cryptically reply The operation completed successfully. Nice.

List and check WSL version ​

wsl -l -v

You should get something like this:

  NAME                   STATE           VERSION
* Debian                 Stopped         2

Install the new Windows Terminal ​

Because Microsoft, the new terminal doesn't ship with Windows. Install it from the Windows store so it stays auto updated.

πŸ”§ TIP

  • Windows terminal keyboard shortcut ctrl + , to open settings
  • Set the default profile to Debian

Now when we open Terminal it will open up WSL Debian's default command line interpreter, or shell, called Bash. Friendship ended with Powershell Now Bash is your best friend.

The bash command prompt looks like this user@machine:~$

~ is the path for the user's home directory.

$ indicates the begining of the command prompt. If you see commands in guides that include the $ remember not to include that in your commands.

Now Let's Bash some commands ​

Update the systems package manager and install upgrades to installed software

sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y

While you are doing this you might as well install Git too. You're gonna need it later.

sudo apt install git-all

⌨️ TIP

non-clicky way

Launch Windows terminal

  • Press Windows key
  • Type term and press Enter

Some basic commands ​

Show the path of your present working directory


Make a directory

mkdir myProject
cd myProject

You can also chain commands together if you like

mkdir myProject && cd myProject

List files in the current directory


Install Docker Desktop ​

Make sure that Docker Desktop is integrated with WSL

  • βš™οΈ Docker Settings > Resources > WSL integration
  • βœ… Check Enable integration with my default WSL distro

Now when you launch the Terminal Docker will be available in your WSL Debian shell. πŸ†’

Some basic docker commands ​

Check Docker version

docker -v
Docker version 26.1.1, build 4cf5afa

List Docker images

docker image ls

In the future when you have ktd setup you will get something like this:

REPOSITORY          TAG       IMAGE ID       CREATED        SIZE
koha/koha-testing   main      cfd51aaa102f   13 days ago    4.06GB
memcached           <none>    ec8c94e66592   2 weeks ago    99.7MB
memcached           latest    a4274125721c   2 weeks ago    84.9MB
koha/koha-testing   <none>    f8f95851bfcb   2 weeks ago    4.05GB
koha/koha-testing   <none>    508d761224d7   2 weeks ago    4.05GB
memcached           <none>    10895cbae220   6 weeks ago    84.9MB
mariadb             10.5      c65b1e141932   3 months ago   394MB

Clean up old docker images

docker system prune -a

This will remove all unused containers, networks, images and optionally, volumes if specified with the -v flag. Useful for troubleshooting sometimes.

⌨️ TIP

non-clicky way

Start up Docker

  • Press Windows key
  • Type dock and press Enter

Install VSCode ​

VSCode is a highly configureable text editor optimized for reading and writing code. It's pretty chill. ❄️

⌨️ TIP

non-clicky way

Launch VSCode

  • Press Windows key, type term and press Enter
code .

⌨️ TIP

non-clicky way
  • crtl + shift + ~ Open a new terminal inside VSCode

  • ctrl + pgup or pgdn Switch between terminals in VSCode

  • ctrl + j Show or hide the terminal window in VSCode