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Guides πŸ—ΊοΈπŸ§­

⚠️ Danger

🚚🚨🚧Under constructionπŸš§πŸš¨πŸš›πŸš§
🚚🚨🚧Under constructionπŸš§πŸš¨πŸš›πŸš§


Learn git repo concepts ​

flowchart TB
A[Working directory] --> |git add| B[Staging Area]
B -->|git commit| C[local repository]
C -->|"git commit --amend"| C
C--> |git push| D[Remote Repository]
C--> |git bz attach| E[Bugzilla]
E--> |git bz apply|C
D--> |git pull|C
D--> |git clone|A


In a git repo a file can be in one of four states

  • ❓ Untracked
    • Files that exist but have never been commited
    • Add to staging with git add {path to file}
    • Add files to .gitignore if you don't want to add them to the repo
  • πŸ“„ Unmodified
    • Files that haven't changed since the last commit
    • Unmodified files rule!
  • 🚧 Modified
    • Files that have changed since the last commit
    • You might have changed these files by accident
    • Check out which files with git status
    • Add to staging with git add
  • 🦺 Staged
    • Files that have been added to staging and ready to commit
    • Commit these files with git commit -m "A clear message"
    • After git add use git commit -ammend to add changes to the previous commit

Learn git workflow concepts ​

  gitGraph TB:
    commit id: "HEAD"
    branch bug
    commit id: "trivial patch"
    checkout main
    branch enhancement
    commit id: "small patch"
    commit id: "QA follow up"
    checkout main
    branch feature
    commit id: "large patch"
    checkout main
    merge bug
    commit id: "other bugs"
    merge enhancement
    checkout feature
    commit id: "follow up"
    commit id: "unit tests"
    checkout main
    commit id: "more bugs"
    merge feature

Learn web technologies concepts ​

  flowchart TD 
  A[\Browser/]<--> |HTTP requests \n GET and POST| B((Server))
  A--> |form submission| B
  A<--> |handle events \n update GUI|F[Client side javascript]
  F<--> |HTTP requests \n GET and POST| B
  F--> |override form submission| B
  B--> |GET query string| C{CGI scripts \n magical Perl logic}
  B--> |POST data| C
  C--> |SQL queries| D[(Database)]
  C--> |template parameters| E[HTML templates]
  C--> |serverside redirects| C
  E--> |Rendered HTML| B
  B--> |Rendered HTML| A
  D--> |data| C
  click A ""
  click B ""
  click C ""
  click D ""
  click E ""
  click F ""

⚠️ Heads up

This guide is not necessarily intended to be followed in a linear path. Wherever possible it will encourage traversal of the non-clicky way